How to install Angular CLI 17 on Windows 11

Before installing Angular 17, lest check our Node.js and npm version to be sure that they are compatible with Angular 17

We can confirm that versions are compatible in this example.

Reference link:

Install Angular CLI 17 on Windows 11

At the moment the latest version of Angular is version 17, which has mayor changes in the control flow, routeing and we have the introduction of new features like “signals”

The new website for documentation is

Install the CLI using the npm package manager:

npm install -g @angular/cli

After installation we check the version with this command: ng version

Create GitHub repository for our Angular project

Before creating our angular project, we will create a GitHub repository empty place holder called “frontend2024

Now we will clone the repository, and once is cloned in our local machine, we will move to the new local folder called “frontend2024” and there we will create our angular project.

In this example the repository link is:

To be able to clone our private repository, we need to create a token pat, in this article of stack overflow, we have the instructions:

On my local machine I will go to my projects folders and check in a command console if git is installed.

Now I will use the token pat from git hub to clone the frontend2024 project, this is the command

git clone https://<pat><your account or organization>/<repo>.git

in this example case, will be:

git clone

If we run the command ls we can see that the local folder for the empty placeholder project “fronend2024” was created

Now let’s move into that folder running the command cd fronend2024, then let’s create our Angular project called “magazine” running the command ng new magazine

In this case we will use CSS

In this case we will not use SSG

we will use CSS

Run ls command and see that magazine folder was created with our new Angular project

To check if the project was created, we need to move to the Angular project folder cd magazine

And then we need to execute and serve the project using this command ng serve

In our browser when we navigate to http://localhost:4200/  we can see that our project was usefully created and is running.

Now let’s stop our project using Ctrl + c keyboard combination

After the project creation we will proceed to commit and push the new project into GitHub

To save our changes we use: git add .

To check the status, we use: git status

Now we can do our first commit with this command:

git commit -m “first commit”

Now we can run git push to upload the committed code into the remote repository in GitHub

And we can confirm in our GitHub that the Angular project has been pushed and uploaded

In case you want to uninstall Angular, Node.js and npm, then follow this link:


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